The Tatai River Gallery

by Oct 11, 2014

From the sweet fresh waters of the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia to the salty mangroves and wetlands on the edges of the Gulf of Thailand the Tatai river and estuary offers an amazing array of textures. Steep sided emerald bamboo forests upstream to robust and seemingly immovable palm forests.

Downstream to the impenetrable spongy mangroves floating on the sandbanks of the estuary, like matadors.

Here is glimpse of the raw ecotones of coastal Cambodia.

Threats to the biodiversity and productivity of this estuary is from sand dredging on an industrial scale.

Check out the Mangroves & Estuary of the Tatai river, Cambodia in 360° here…

Sand barges on the Tatai river, Cambodia. Sand barges on the Tatai river, Cambodia – Paul Stewart

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Forests of Palms in the Tatai River Estaury, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Tatai River, Cambodia
Sand barges on the Tatai river, Cambodia.
The mangroves and estuary of the Tatai river, Cambodia
The Tatai river at dawn, Cambodia
The Tatai river at dawn, Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Climbing ferns in the Tatai river estuary
Climbing ferns in the Tatai river estuary
Spare propellor on the Tatai river
Sand barge and dredger on the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Mangroves and Estuary of the Tatai River, Coastal Cambodia
Sand dredgers at dawn on the Tatai river, Cambodia
Sand dredgers at dawn on the Tatai river, Cambodia
Empty sand barges returning up the estuary of the Tatai river, Cambodia
Sand barge makes it's way down the Tatai river to off load at sea.
Sand Dredger on the Tatai River, Cambodia
Sand Dredger and Barge on the Tatai River, Cambodia
Empty sand barge at sea returning to the Tatai river, Cambodia
Fishing village at the mouth of the Tatai river, Cambodia
Cambodian navy vessel at the mouth of the Tatai river, Cambodia
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